Are you really too old to start?

I remember taking this picture, almost 3 years ago! I’d left a secure full time job, having thought about running my business for the last 4-5 years I was finally doing it. Was I bricking it? Yes! Was I too old to be starting a new business at my age? Yes! What if I fail? What if I don’t? What if nobody buys from me? But what if they do?

If you’ve ever thought, “I’m too old to start,” “I’ll never be as strong as I used to be,” or “What’s the point now?”—you’re not alone. These thoughts are common, especially, I’m finding, amongst us as women. But what if I told you they’re also untrue. The truth is, your body and mindset is capable of much more than you think, and movement is the key to unlocking a vibrant, strong, and confident version of yourself at any age.

The Myths That Hold Us Back

  1. “It’s too late to start.”
    Science has proven that becoming more active and building more strength and mobility into our daily routine helps improve our overall health, strengthens our bones, and gives us more energy. I also love how this Science is also supporting positive effects of short bouts of being active. Women I work with in their 40s, 50s, 60s have embraced trying new ways to feel stronger and keep active. From hill walking, to leaving dumb bells by their kettle whilst they wait for their morning cuppa, it all does very much count.
  2. “I’ll never be as fit as I was in my 20s.”
    OK, so life has happened and we’ve had a family or focused our attention on our career. All of these things have been important to us. BUT just because we might not be as fit as we were in our 20’s doesn’t mean we can’t find ways to feel fitter, stronger, and healthier than ever before. Fitness isn’t about comparing ourselves back in time—it’s about celebrating what our body can do today and how we can start feeling amazing.
  3. “Exercise is too hard on my joints.”
    Finding the right kind of movement for you is so important. Find something that we will enjoy and want to keep repeating, plus when you’re starting out keep it simple. If will build in a range of different movements throughout our day, including strength, mobility, cardio (and yes walking does count as this, despite what some media says) can actually protect your joints, reduce pain, and improve mobility. The key is to start where you are now, listen to your body and build up gradually.
  4. “I don’t have time.”
    I hear this all the time and I do include myself in this category too. I used to think that in order to have any benefit that I would need to be doing at least 30-45 mins 3-4 times a week. But the great news is and research supports this is you don’t need to spend hours in the gym. Small, consistent changes like walking more, spending time on the floor while watching TV or leaving a set of dumb bells by your kettle so you can do some bicep curls every morning as part of your strength training routine will add up to big results over time.

How to Shift Your Mindset and Take Action

  1. Find Joy in Movement
    I never liked PE and wasn’t good at team sports. So cycling was my joy. It made me feel good, I loved the freedom it has given me and it’s a great cardio workout too. BUT I also love what I call movement snacks. Think of a snack, like a KitKat, or maybe that’s just me. It’s short and sweet and lasts less than 5 mins. Treat movement like this. What do you like doing? What were you good at? Exercise doesn’t have to mean boring gym routines. Dance in your kitchen, swing your hips whilst brushing your teeth. You could even swing your hips and stand on one leg. Try something you used to be good at and make it fun and enjoyable. That way you’ll stick with it.
  2. Start Small and Build Confidence
    Instead of focusing on what you can’t do, celebrate what you can do. Start with 5-minute strength workouts, park further away from work or go to the shops in an active travel way. Why not try a new class. It’s amazing how these little things that will seem enormous at the time will have such a profound effect on your confidence.
  3. Surround Yourself with People Who Lift You Up
    Who you surround yourself with really does make a huge difference. Join a group of like-minded women, follow inspiring stories, or work with a coach who understands the unique needs of women over 40. Having a supportive community makes all the difference.
  4. Challenge Negative Thoughts
    Have you ever caught yourself saying “I can’t,” “I’m too slow”, “I’m too overweight”? Why not reframe it: “I am learning,” “I am getting stronger,” or “I am doing my best today.” Small mindset shifts create lasting change.

The Payoff: A Stronger, More Confident You

Imagine waking up feeling energized, walking with confidence, and knowing your body is strong and capable. Imagine moving with ease, lifting groceries without strain, playing with your kids or grandkids, and feeling truly alive. That’s what’s waiting for you when you let go of limiting beliefs and embrace movement as a joyful, empowering part of your life.

No matter your starting point, today is the perfect day to begin. So rather than saying ‘One Day’ let’s start with ‘Day One’. Your strongest years are ahead – go claim them! What will you start with today on your Day One?

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